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Cowlitz GIS has assumed edit and update of this file.", "parentLayer": null, "subLayers": [], "minScale": 12000, "maxScale": 0, "referenceScale": 0.0, "drawingInfo": { "renderer": { "type": "simple", "symbol": { "type": "esriPMS", "url": "6486da0b50c2751aef3ee599c72f1ed0", "imageData": "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", "contentType": "image/png", "width": 12, "height": 10, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0 } }, "scaleSymbols": true, "transparency": 0, "labelingInfo": [ 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